Cost of Living in Tanzania

Tanzania is a country where the cost of living and salaries can be high. Tanzania’s average monthly income is lower than other countries in Africa, such as South Sudan or Burundi at $600 per month; it may not seem like much for those who live there. 

But when you consider that many Tanzanians have to work two jobs just to make ends meet because their daily wage only nets them about $100-200 on weekdays alone–and this doesn’t count overtime pay! 

There are also tax issues which add another layer of complexity: Nationally owned companies will often give most employees half-yearly bonuses instead of yearly ones – something unheard of back home. 

About Tanzania


The climate varies from hot and humid along the coast to temperate inland.


Tanzania is a beautiful country in East Africa that has many different ethnicities. The official languages are Kiswahili and English, but only some Tanzanians know how to speak them well enough for business or government purposes. 

Those who do often come from more privileged backgrounds than others because of this language barrier (though it’s not always true). We recommend learning at least basic phrases like “hello”, “goodbye” as these will make your visit much easier! 

It should also be mentioned there are two other major dialects spoken here: Rungus (spoken on the island near Mafia Heads)and Urundi which until recently had its own currency during colonial rule; Arabic can likewise still be heard among locals along with Zanzibar. 


The economy of Tanzania is mostly based on agriculture, which accounts for more than half of the GDP and provides employment to 85% or so. Makumatya English School reserves its right not to be held accountable should any student who doesn’t know how they will write in their final exam given this climate where teachers don’t show up. 

Because it would take months before payment comes through from government payrolls- many educators cannot afford transportation costs themselves. 

Let alone buy fuel necessary during these times when everything else seems moot such as books needed at home if one does not have access libraries due say drought conditions caused by El Nino apart from lack rainforestation being AoE threat. 


Tanzania is a beautiful country in East Africa with over 50% of its land belonging to the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Serengeti National Park. The Tanzanian Shilling (TZS) has been on an upward trajectory since 2009 and now trades at a roughly 1:1 US Dollar exchange rate! 

With such high inflation rates, it’s important that you keep up-to-date currency before traveling here so make sure your money is worth more than what they offer denominations for by checking online or asking someone locally when exchanging goods/services into UGX because safety can never be guaranteed within these countries. 

Expat Life

Expatriates living in Tanzania face a medium risk of being the victim of crime. These crimes include armed robberies, sexual assaults, and terrorism-related incidents – all while they’re abroad on assignment for their company or government agency!

Expatriate dress codes call for suits and ties (men) as well as dresses by women to avoid any potential safety hazards which may arise when traveling outside one’s home country like petty thefts; however, there are many other risks such as accidents with bicycles due to local custom where riders often leave them leaning against buildings near busy intersections.

Health Care

The standard of health care in Tanzania is below international standards, especially outside of Dar es Salaam. Sleeping sickness and cholera are common risks to travelers that sometimes result from lack of access or clean water for people who don’t have it easily accessible nearby their homes. 

Malaria can also be a problem; however dengue fever has been decreasing since 2007 when there were an estimated 2 million cases per year but only 14% mortality rate if caught early enough with the medicine available through public sectors like hospitals assistants working hard every day. 

What Is the Cost of Living in Tanzania?

The cost of living in Tanzania is lower than expected, with an overall COLI (Cost Of Living Index) at 60.38 as compared to places like New York which has an index score of 100! 

We have collected prices for the same items worldwide based on expatriate spending norms and converted them into US dollars so we can see how 13 different baskets would fare worldwide once you add up their values from locations all around Earth. 

Tanzania : Cost of Living by City


As a foreigner who is used to eating out regularly, the hardest part about living in Japan will be trying not only to find somewhere that suits your wallet and taste buds but also to provide good service.

The best way for someone like me (someone coming from abroad) would have been if I knew an authentic Japanese restaurant nearby when moving here so all my friends could go with me as we are able to try different dishes together!


Food costs can be reduced if you purchase the products in your local markets. Groceries take more than half of the monthly wage, so clever shopping is necessary here and will save money on food expenses. 

For many people who live with limited incomes or cannot work due to illness such as an elderly parent’s caregiving role being taken over by another family member while they’re out at work all day long like I did when my mom was alive before she died last year around Christmas time since then, it’s just me taking. 

A person must not only buy what he/she needs because prices change from store to store but also consider which meals might allow them some flexibility during busy days which are difficult enough without adding extra stress through costly restaurant bills too. 


The monthly pass costs only $15 while getting from one place to another just once costs 0.17 dollars! This means you can use public transport for commuting and still have money leftover in your pocket at the end of each month- how great is that?

Of course, if some people want wheels they will need a car but not having an expense like this worries me less than paying high prices every time I go out or come back home again because taxis are so expensive too (especially during rush hour).

Utilities (Monthly)

The cost of utilities in Dar es Salaam can vary depending on the size and habits of people living there. For example, Internet access is expensive because it requires a lot more bandwidth than other types of communication. 

Like phone calls or text messages do which means that you need higher quality service providers for your connection to be comparable at an affordable price point.

A car might not seem necessary when looking around town but if one wants to go anywhere without public transportation then they must first find out how much those fares are going to set them back each day. 

As well as take into consideration gas prices while driving during commute hours – all things considered, this expense could really add up fast! Electricity rates may also create sticker shock so make sure any new appliances will fit within budget before purchasing. 


Home telephone rental, internet subscription, and mobile service provider tariffs are all expensive. Data costs can add an additional layer of expense for many Americans who use their devices at home or outside the office most days while on vacation: a basket costing USD$200 in New York would cost about 262 dollars with these extra expenses factored into it!

The average price for monthly standard plan subscriptions which includes access to some type of online media such as emails/social networks is 59$. Benchmark rates vary depending upon what country you live in but may include charges like SkypeOutquality calls on top of an annual flat-rate fee ranging between 5-15 cents per minute (or less). 


The cost of private international schools is low when compared to U.S.-based public institutions, with an average annual fee for primary school at USD$10’904 and high schools more expensive at around 12 134 dollars per year – through these numbers do vary widely from country-wide averages

Fees also depend on the level being attended: preschool through university degrees can be found across all three levels in many parts abroad but some countries offer only two choices (i e upperclassmen versus freshmen) whereas other areas provide four+, which means students must make informed decisions about where they want their education takes place.

Furniture & Appliances

You might have to fork over a few extra bucks for things like furniture, appliances, and sofas. A dinner table that costs $2K in New York can be bought online for as low as USD1 300 (around 20%). LED TV prices vary depending on the size- from 6kgs upfront loaders costing around 800 dollars downsized 46+ inch units which cost about 2000 dollars per unit. A Washing Machine averages around 1000$ while larger capacity models start below 1500$.


Grocery prices vary by the location you’re in, but an average grocery bill is around $100 for items such as consumables and cleaning products. In New York City it could cost less than half that amount at about 40 bucks! 

To give us some perspective on how much things actually cost here’s one example: A basket costing USD$1k will only set you back to your budgeted funds if they come from overseas. 

However, those same luxuries would be priced higher locally – averaging over 70% more expensive per pound when we shop locally instead of online (assuming all other factors remain equal). 

Sports & Leisure

You may have heard that there are several ways to spend your free time, but what you do depends on the preferences of each individual. Do some people prefer spending their leisure hours in a movie theater?

Others might enjoy exercising at home or visiting friends and family while still others would rather get away from all responsibilities by playing golf–just so they can relax! 

The costliness of these activities will vary depending upon where we live as well; an expensive gym membership could set someone back more than $70 monthly. 

If it’s not close enough for auto transportation costs (not including car ownership), which means those who want fitness benefits without having anything weighing them down financially should consider joining. 

Clothing & Shoes

The charming city of Dar es Salaam is the major tourist attraction for many people in Tanzania. It’s expected that most tourists will want to visit this famous place, and they’ll be happy with branded apparel due to its reasonable price tag even though it costs more than other cities throughout these parts.

The output should include information about what travelers may experience while traveling here; how much everything typically costs (depending on where you go), things like hotels/motels, etc., safety concerns & tips on how best to prepare yourself before arriving at your destination. 

Per Month Rent

The first thing you need to think about when relocating somewhere new is definitely the rent. In repressive countries, as a tourist, it may be possible for your stay in Dar (the capital city) and other parts of Egypt can still affordably occur because tourists only have so much money on them at one time. 

But once they become citizens living there full-time or even wanted back home after visiting has expired this will change drastically. If someone wants better accommodations while staying here then their options would either mean renting an apartment with friends who also happen to live locally which often means not being able to access things outside those boundaries. 

Since most Egyptians don’t allow outsiders into privately owned homes without permission; buying property – something many foreigners find daunting.

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